Authorized USA Distributor of
30-years of experience in EDX

32-channel System for Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring with Advanced Functionality
- enhanced SEP acquisition
- enhanced MEP acquisition with a switching function and a wide range of stimulation parameters
- 32 amplifier channels
- auditory and visual evoked potentials, EMG, direct nerve stimulation, EEG, ECoG — more than 10 monitoring modalities
- transcranial electrical stimulator — up to 1000 V
- flexible configurations to ensure any monitoring needs

16-channel System with Basic Functions for Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring
- 16 amplifier channels with expandable outputs;
- 2 dedicated channels for routine EMG, NCS and EP;
- 4 electrical stimulator channels. In most cases 4 electrical stimulator channels are enough for SEP and MEP acquisition. For example, 2 channels are used for the stimulation of lower limbs during the acquisition of SEP responses, one channel is used for transcranial electrical stimulation and the other one is left as additional.
- direct nerve stimulation channel;
- auditory, visual and pattern stimulator channels;
- ES detector channels
Neuron-Spectrum-4/P Digital EEG/EP
8- to 21-channel Digital EEG Systems
High sampling rate (up to 5000 Hz)
- 21 EEG channels + 7 channels to record any physiological signals from EOG to short-latency EP
- Works with LORETA and sLORETA
- Works with PERSYST
- EEG amplitude, spectral, periodometric, coherence and cross-spectral analysis
- 2- or 3-D mapping of practically any parameter
- impedance indication on EEG unit
ECochG MLR P300
New Standard in AEP
- All-in-one solution for auditory EP and OAE acquisition
- 2-channel ABR, OAE, ASSR and ECochG System
- automatic ABR – AABR
- automatic multi-ASSR test
- high acquisition quality
- short study time
Focus EMG/EP
All in One
- 2-channel Ultraportable EMG, Nerve Conductions & Evoked Potentials System with a Built-in Keyboard
- EMG according to international standards
- Instant analysis of high-quality responses
- All-in-one compact and lightweight system
- Integrated stimulators, acquisition channels, display and dedicated controls

Wireless Digital ECG System CloudEKG
- 12-channel advanced ECG recording
- Wireless Bluetooth Technology
- Displaying, processing and storing
- ECG signals on a PC or handheld device
- EMR & Win10 compatible
Years of Experience
State-of-The-Art EDX